Incredibly Unique Encounters

This week’s voyage aboard the Mermaid One from Maumere to the Alor Archipelago and back was marked by a series of incredibly unique encounters, ranging from frogfish hunting to the mesmerizing sight of mating dwarf cuttlefish and even encounters with whale sharks.

Throughout the trip, guests explored stunning healthy walls that were covered in sponges and corals. These vibrant underwater landscapes are teeming with life, offering a visual feast of colors and shapes. Schools of fish swirled around, and sightings of turtles and rays added to the excitement.

One of the highlights of the journey was observing the local culture. As we approached a coastal village, we witnessed locals freediving to gather their daily catch. Their deep connection with the sea was inspiring and provided a unique cultural insight that complemented our underwater adventures.

The diving continued to amaze with bizarre animals spotted on our night dives. Guests were thrilled to witness frogfish actively hunting, using their lures to attract prey – a rare experience for any diver. Cephalopods also made a significant impression during the trip. Guests were fortunate to spot starry night octopuses, hunting big blue octopuses and even a pair of mating dwarf cuttlefish. These once-in-a-lifetime encounters are what make every voyage with Mermaid Liveaboards unique and unforgettable.


John Roney

MV Mermaid I
May 14 – 23, 2024

Check out the cruise details here