2019’s first trip with Mermaid I

2019’s first trip Starting a brand new year under warm and clear water… Is there a better way to begin 2019? Early dives with Oceanic Manta rays and night diving with multiple Thorny seahorses!

The most awesome feeling of being at the right place at the right time where the biggest encounters and the smallest treasures are found at the same time. Exploration … more carpet sharks, 44 devil rays!! Under the jetties with the mysterious walking sharks. Surfacing from a dive and with the drone, I was able to capture the essence of a pod of Indo Pacific bottle nose dolphins that spent nearly an hour showing off their happiness and freedom! Emperor shrimps riding cucumbers, male Denise pygmies about to give birth, pygmy pipehorses, pygmy squids and sea moths. Awesome subjects that highlighted the macro life of the week! Raja Ampat isn’t known as the most biodiverse aquatic world by chance. This magical and pristine destination has always something new to offer – a new limestone to be explored, a new fish to be photographed, a new critter to be discovered.

No matter how many times we go from South to North or North to South of West Papua. Every trip with Mermaid I will be different, exciting and new! Stay tuned for our next adventure, 12 days sailing from Raja to Lembeh through the unexplored destination of Halmahera, and back!