Wow what a trip! This has without a doubt been the best trip of the year so far, everything from fantastic conditions to amazing visibility 30m+ to bright and sunny days everyday. Just fantastic!
After the crossing down to Misool, we started with Warna Berwarna and Karang Bayangan. Once we got there we noticed one thing, the water was insanely blue so naturally everyone got really excited for it!
Since the group we had this trip was split photographers and non photographers, all of our guides had to consider the needs of the group. Of all the groups, only one actually complained that there were too much Pygmy, I didn’t believe them but of course they were only joking
After the small things, then it was time for some big things! Karang Bayangan do not disappoints, we wanted at least a manta and got welcomed by both a manta and two giant Grey Reef sharks that super close! Later on a Oceanic Manta came and joined us just as we turned away from the ridge, truly a amazing and beautiful creature!
And believe it or not, the night dives we had for the past two or three days have topped the previous one. First we had a mild current on Boo Window with some action and a couple of Walking sharks, then on Keuro Slope one of our groups topped the previous one with both blue ring and walking shark plus ornate ghost pipe fish and of course the weird looking Toadfish! After those two dives we didn’t think there could been anything that topped that, but then the one and only Sapokreng topped it! Much to see just within a few meters and around the 45min mark, we found a Flambouyant cuttlefish! Just insane!
So to sum it up, on this trip we had everything from big to small, just the way we like it! Raja Ampat, you are a beauty!