Santa’s Gone Diving

It’s that time of the year where amongst all the schooling fishes, it’s quite common
to also bump into Santa on one of these dives. This year’s presents are just
phenomenal: colorful reefs full of fish down in Misool, several Oceanic Manta Rays
are the icing on the “Christmas cake”. Surprised by clear visibility and some more
mantas we head up north via Kawe to Wayag where we spent all afternoon – it’s
possibly one of the most beautiful viewpoints and places in this world!

Critter hunting is on the menu at Aljui Bay and under the jetty followed by some
unique and mystique diving in Raja Ampat’s blue water mangroves. The last two
days we spend diving several seamounts in the Dampier Strait: here we find the
biggest aggregations of fish, different types of sharks cruising around in between.
What an amazing way to end the year 2016 with the most diverse diving Raja Ampat
has to offer!

Mermaid I Raja Ampat Diving Cruise
Dec 22, 2016 – Jan 1, 2017

Sonja Geier