Diving in Saleh Bay, Indonesia, was nothing short of spectacular. The anticipation built as we geared up for our first dive, eager to encounter a very special ocean giant. Dropping into the water, a fine mist of plankton occupied our view, glowing gold and green in the early morning light the mysterious ambiance added an element of intrigue to the dive.
As we finned into the plankton rich waters, a towering silhouette loomed into view. A halo of gold and green light burst around the enormous form. Suddenly, like curtains parting, the plankton dispersed, and the veil of mystery was removed. An enormous animal came into focus, a Whale Shark. Completely vertical, it remained suspended mid water, smooth yet powerful strokes of its tail held it effortlessly in place, its head reaching towards the surface. Gills pumped as its mouth gaped open, gorging itself at the surface.
Eventually the glowing green hue, which stained the water, dissipated entirely, giving way to a brilliant canvas of turquoise and blue. As if this sudden change in visibility wasn’t good enough, another gentle giant glided into view. Taking position alongside its counterpart it a second Whale Shark joined in the feast.
Aaron Sanders
MV Mermaid II
Bali-Komodo-Saleh Bay-Bali
Aug 17-24, 2024