Swim-through Manta Wash!

Highlight this trip’s gotta be the Mantas in the south of the Komodo National Park. Famous for its cleaning stations, with any luck you’ll see these majestic rays lining up to get fixed by hundreds of cleaner fish.

With good conditions we fully enjoyed the show, particularly when the Mantas moved in with their mouths wide open. Awesome!!

Our luck continued during the nightdives – Ambon Scorpionfish, Starry Night Octopus, Bobtail Squid, Stargazers and a peculiar Upside-down Jellyfish (with a crab carrying it on its back!) were among the findings. Cool stuff!

Mating season for the Komodo Dragons seems to be over, making them easier to spot, and we encountered more than 15 during this trip. Impressive animals they are!

North Komodo was great as well – tons of fish at the seamounts, and a super-duper last dive with lots of Whitetips and Grey Reef sharks patrolling back and forth in the current! Big smiles on everybody back on the boat!!