There’s a reason we call this itinerary Super Special.

Biodiversity Super Special 2022
Nov 17 – Dec 02, 2022.

One of the main reasons I have come back to Indonesia was to be part of this extraordinary 16 day trip! Nearly 50 dives between 5 different seas on a stretch from Flores Island, Alor, the Banda Islands and Raja Ampat!

1200 nautical miles may sound a lot, but when you are diving at these remote sites you will feel like wanting more.

The diversity is huge, not only underwater but also on land. The bold islands of Flores, the volcanic islands of the Banda sea and the beautiful limestone formations of West Papua.

We came across large cetaceans again, including 3 large Spermwhales and even the rare Dwarf Spermwhale. Spotting the gentle giants from Mermaid during our surface interval between dives never gets old.

Crystal clear water in the Bandas like I never experienced before, over hangs packed with soft corals and even barrel sponges spawning.

As we entered Ceram sea, Koon island did not disappoint, the large school of bat fish is still there and thriving. Jacks, barracudas all hunting together, proper action!

Finally Raja Ampat, and dive one with some graceful reef mantas in Misool. Night dives with squids flying around the lights. Super macro mode for Pygmy seahorses and cute nudibranchs.

Healthy mangroves blanked by fish, crustaceans and more cephalopods… one of my favourite shallow habitats to explore!

We are officially starting a brand new season in Raja Ampat and the expectation is pretty high!

Marcelo Johan Ogata #bugDreamer