The Journey Through the Ring of Fire

This trip on Mermaid 1 was filled with an abundance of fish, sharks and a huge diversity of coral.

Starting off in Alor, the first dive kicked off the journey with a beautifully rare yellow weedy rhinopias and a range of cephalopods. From there, the journey through the forgotten islands to the Banda Sea, where we were greeted with some of the best wall dives and soft corals found in Indonesia.

Reaching the remote islands in the Banda Sea, the group was lucky enough to view the amazing sceptical of schooling hammerhead sharks made up of over 25 individuals. Stopping off on Banda Island, the group spends the morning exploring the local culture and learning the history of nutmeg within the region.

The final stretch to Ambon was filled with spectacular schools of fish and then two muck dives within some of the best dive sites Ambon has to offer

Mermaid Liveaboards Guets

Mermaid I Ring of Fire Alor-Banda Sea-Ambon
Sep 30 – Oct 11, 2024

Jacob Guy

For more information about Mermaid Liveaboards Banda Sea cruise check here