800 nautical miles from Ambon back to Maumere through the Banda Sea and Alor, The Ring of Fire continued.
Mermaid I returns from another 12 majestic days, days of unique...
Mermaid I goes on another biodiversity trip across 500 nautical miles from the heart of Raja Ampat all the way to Ambon considered one of the best macro destinations in Indonesi...
Where to start, where to start, where to start. It’s difficult to write a concise summation of...
From East Flores to West Papua, 16 days diving walls, reefs, slopes, pinnacles and crossing four...
While on our most epic crossing trip, where Mermaid II sails from the notorious Raja Ampat though...
Our usual Raja Ampat route never gets boring but guests as well as dive crew are even more excite...
Indonesia is home to some of the most unusual and rarest marine creatures on earth, but this
You never know what you are going to encounter as you embark on a twelve day diving safari throug...